A main activity of the private practice is the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from vertigo
and dizziness.

The key part of the whole diagnostic process play the functional tests of the vestibular analyzer and
especially their expertise value.

The smartphone development in recent years created a new direction in the electronic health, namely
the so called m-health.

A recent scientific interest of Dr. Georgi Kukushev is the integration of this technology in the everyday
medical practice.

The result is a product with both practical and scientific value.
It was named Videonystagmograph To Go (VNGTG), because it combines the expertise value of the
conventional videonystagmograph with the flexibility of the Frenzel goggles.

This is a non-medical device, based on modern smartphone technology for video documentation of the
eye movements for registration of nystagmus, plus other pathological alterations and 3D visual
reconstruction of the vestibular analyzer (inner ear).

The main element of the project is the development of a custom application that allows the
implementation of the multi-million dollar development of the modern smartphone hardware and
software features in the everyday neurotological practice.

The company, which developed the application is a world leader.
More information is available on the link below: